Sunday, August 26, 2007


"Sacred cows make the best hamburger”
~ Mark Twain, American Humorist & Writer, (1835-1910)
We loaded up our six suit cases and left for the train station... today we go from Bonn to Hamburg.

We chose the train since I thought our 5 year old son would love it. And he did. The only problem is that we travel like a small army. Like a caravan of trucks in support of the troops we are a caravan of suitcases and bags in support of the two kids.

In my son's defense it's mainly for our 6 month old as we have toys and chairs packed in some of the bags. It's nuts... but I guess traveling Europe with two kids is nuts, eh?

Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany and is the second largest port city in Europe. In a odd twist of fate it's also the largest city in the European Union which is not a national capital. How is that relevant?

It's not... but I find such useless minor facts interesting, don't you?

Hamburg's history is a virtual "Who's who" of Europe based on it's importance as a port city. From the city taking its name from a castle ordered to be built by Charlemagne in 808 AD, only to be destroyed by a fleet of 600 Viking ships in 845, to ultimately being annexed by Napoleon I in 1810. I could go on, but you get the point.

(Yes, this is also where the Beatles learned their rock n' roll chops. Spending their days and nights in the St. Pauli red light district taught them to be a tight band and more so... there would be no "Sgt. Pepper's" without Hamburg.)

We came to Hamburg to see friends.

We'd like to thank Rudi Hartwig and family for a wonderful weekend. My son will remember his love for bratwurst and have his first "crush." Can you have a crush at 5?

All I know is the look on his face as he held Alexandra's hand for the first time.... priceless.

The best compliment I can give is that it felt like home. Thanks Rudi... we look forward to returning the favor soon.

Next, we have a rental car... and were pointed North. Stay tuned.


PS - Although Hamburg is jokingly said to be the birthplace of the Hamburger, this is just be a myth. There is a story that says the beef patties a German immigrant from Hamburg sold in the 1850s in New York allegedly were named after the butcher and then became a generic term. But I don't buy it.