CVoD Über Alles
"Wir sollten jeden Tag wie ein neues Leben beginnen." ~ Edith Stein, German Philosopher, (1891-1942)"We should start a new life each day."
Achtung CVoDers!
I am spending the next few days in Bonn, Germany, talking web marketing with some friends I’ve know for years. They are one of the top German financial publishers seeking that extra edge… the extra edge via SEO.
I jumped at the invitation to come to Germany hoping I could turn event into a vacation... and I've done just that. After Bonn we leave for time off in Northern Germany, and ultimately a weekend in London before coming home.
Over the next few posts I’ll be discussing my adventures…
Oh sure I could talk about more web marketing but as mentioned I need a vacation… I need a rest. So today we drink gross bier, in Bonn and Köln, and tomorrow Hamburg.
Fasten your seat belts it’s going to be a bumpy ride. i.e., international travel with two kids... a 5 year old and a 5 months old. I must be crazy.
PS - If you're not familiar, Bonn is about 20 kilometres south of Cologne on the river Rhine It was the capital of West Germany from 1949 to 1990 and the official seat of government until 1999. Starting in 1998, many government institutions moved to Berlin.
It is a quiet city, peaceful if you will. With wonderful parks by the Rhine. The picture is of my son and I along the Rhine river.